Minimally Invasive Surgery Patients
Thank you for choosing the Washington University MIS Team to be part of your care. We value our patients and want to make your surgical experience as pleasant as possible. Please follow instructions below to prepare for surgery.
Please contact the office if you are unclear on any of the information. These steps are important for your safety.
Preadmission Testing
You will need to have preadmission testing. You will have blood tests, X-rays and/or other tests before surgery. This testing is done at the Center for Preoperative Assessment and Planning (CPAP Clinic). You will also have an opportunity to meet with the anesthesia team at that time. The phone number to schedule this visit is 314-362-4275. If you have not already been seen by CPAP, please call to make this appointment as soon as possible. You have your preadmission testing scheduled within 30 days of your surgery date, preferably later than 7 days prior to surgery. If there is a problem or delay in making this appointment, please contact our office immediately.
Blood Thinners
You will need to stop using certain medications five days before surgery. DO NOT take any medicine that contains aspirin, naproxen, or ibuprofen. Examples of these medications include: Bayer, Ecotrin, St. Joseph Motrin, Advil, Midol, Aleve and Anaprox. If you are instructed to take aspirin, Coumadin, or Plavix by another physician, please check with our office regarding these medications at least 1-2 weeks before your surgery date.
Diet Instructions
DO NOT eat or drink anything (including water) after midnight on the night before surgery, except a sip of water in order to take approved medications (this includes candy or gum).
The Day of Surgery
Please call the office for specifics on when you will be admitted to the hospital. Our office will call you at least one week prior to surgery to inform you when you should arrive. Please do not hesitate to contact the office if you are unsure.
- You may take any maintenance medications at your usual times with a small sip of water. Bring a list of your medications and pill bottles with you to the hospital. If you are diabetic, take one-half dose of your diabetic medications on the morning of your surgery.
- Remove all eye makeup and nail polish.
- Leave jewelry and valuables at home. Barnes-Jewish Hospital cannot be responsible for these items.
- Bring a list of all medications taken in the past month and any to which you may be allergic.
- Bring your CPAP or BiPap machine if you use one (Sleep Apnea)
Please contact our office, so you can talk to the nurse regarding your medication questions.
Call us if…
- You are sick (cold or flu) and have a temperature over 100.5F.
- Develop any kind of cut, rash or infection near your stomach.
- A change has occurred in your medical condition.
- You have ANY questions about medications.
- You have ANY concerns or questions about your operation.
After Surgery
- When you are discharged from the hospital, a responsible adult must be available to take you home. We cannot release you to drive yourself home or to take public transportation.
- We advise you to have responsible adult with you for the first 24 hours after your hospital discharge.
- You will be sent home with discharge instructions.
We appreciate the opportunity to serve you. Our goal is provide you with the highest level of care.