Welcome to the Gastrointestinal Center. Your care is very important to us. The Gastrointestinal Center is located on the 8th floor, Suite C, of the Center for Advanced Medicine (CAM) at 4921 Parkview Place, on the corner of Euclid Avenue and Forest Park Blvd. Please refer to the linked map and directions for driving instructions.
Parking: There is a convenient parking garage for patients and their families at the corner of Euclid and Forest Park. This is connected by a pedestrian sky bridge for your convenience. Parking fees are $1.50 per hour. Your parking can be validated at the physician’s office at 50% – so bring your parking ticket with you. Patient drop off and valet parking is located at the front of the building. Valet parking is available for a $2.00 service fee, plus the parking garage hourly rate. Service fee is waived for those with a handicap sticker on the vehicle.
Records: Please make sure that your referring physician has sent all of your relevant medical records prior to your appointment. Our fax number is 314-454-5396. It is very important that we have these to ensure appropriate and complete care.
*Please note that our mailing address is different from the location of the physician’s office. The mailing address is:
Washington University School of Medicine
Attention: MIS
Department of Surgery
660 South Euclid
Campus Box 8109
St. Louis, MO 63110